8 Proven Techniques to Boost Your WordPress Site Speed

Website speed is vital for user experience, SEO rankings, and overall site performance. All internet users expect websites to load quickly, and slow speeds can lead to and have been proven to increase bounce rates and lower conversions. For WordPress site owners, improving speed is a must to keep visitors engaged.

1. Optimise Your Images

Large images can significantly slow down your website. To prevent this, compress your images before uploading them using tools like TinyPNG or plugins like Smush. 

Choose the appropriate format—JPEG for photos and PNG for graphics with transparency—to maintain quality while reducing file size. Implement lazy loading to ensure images load only when needed, speeding up the initial page load.

It is also recommended to convert images from formats like JPEG or PNG to WebP or AVIF format which are more optimised for websites. Google has confirmed that these can be crawled by their crawlers.

2. Use Browser Caching

Browser caching stores elements of your website in a visitor’s browser, allowing faster loading times on return visits. Plugins such as W3 Total Cache and WP Super Cache simplify setting up caching on your WordPress site. 

Caching reduces server load and improves speed, making it an effective way to boost site performance. Set cache expiration settings appropriately to balance content freshness with speed.

3. Reduce HTTP Requests

Each element on your webpage—images, scripts, stylesheets—creates an HTTP request. Reducing these requests can improve page load speed noticeably. 

Combine CSS and JavaScript files when possible, and remove unnecessary scripts, styles, and plugins that add extra requests. Asynchronous loading of scripts helps, as it allows other elements to load without delay.

4. Use a CDN (Content Delivery Network)

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) spreads your site’s content across multiple servers worldwide, making it quicker for users to access your site, no matter their location. 

Services like Cloudflare, BunnyCDN and KeyCDN are popular choices for WordPress. Setting up a CDN is relatively straightforward and can significantly reduce load times, particularly for users far from your server’s primary location.

5. Enable Gzip Compression

Gzip compression reduces the size of your files, making them faster to load. You can enable Gzip through plugins or directly via the .htaccess file. Compressing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files helps your site load faster by minimising the data transferred between your server and users. 

Test your Gzip settings using tools like GTmetrix or Pingdom to ensure optimal results.

6. Clean Up Your Database

Your WordPress database can accumulate a lot of unnecessary data, such as old revisions and spam comments, which can slow down your site. 

Regularly clean your database using plugins like WP-Optimise or Advanced Database Cleaner. Removing this excess data keeps your site running efficiently without losing important information.

7. Pick a Lightweight Theme

The theme you use significantly affects your site’s speed. Heavy themes with too many features can drag down performance. Choose a lightweight, speed-optimised theme like GeneratePress or Astra to maintain a fast-loading site. 

Before committing to a theme, test its speed using Google PageSpeed Insights to ensure it meets your performance needs.

8. Limit Your Plugin Use

While plugins add valuable functionality, too many can slow down your site and pose security risks. Regularly audit your plugins to identify which ones are truly necessary. 

Opt for multifunctional plugins that can replace several single-use plugins, reducing the overall load on your site. Keep your plugins updated and delete those you no longer use to maintain peak performance.


Improving your WordPress site speed is essential for a successful online presence. By applying these techniques, you can achieve noticeable improvements in your site’s performance, enhancing both user experience and SEO outcomes. Even small changes, like optimising images or cleaning up your database, can lead to faster loading times. Begin applying these tips today and experience the advantages of a faster WordPress site. If you need help or have questions, our maintenance packages include comprehensive website speed optimization. Don’t hesitate to reach out! for further assistance!

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